The Oregon Medicaid experiment – asking the wrong question?

For the long-suffering reader, I finally produce some content – Ta Da!

Although I’m afraid it’s only a link to something that caught my eye recently from Daniel Goldberg, who tweets energetically on social determinants of health (SDoH) and more @prof_goldberg. The piece considers the idea that the Oregon Medicaid experiment is a Rorschach test.  And then highlights that we can move beyond the good/bad dichotomy to consider the SDoH and why the experiment might not be relevant, specifically noting:

the weight of the evidence strongly suggests that if we wish to have a substantial impact in overall population health and in the compression of health inequalities, we will have to take collective and social action far, far beyond the provision of health care services.

Read the whole thing (it’s not long and contains at least one anecdote), and be reminded that null findings may not mean nothing’s going on, just that we might not be asking the right question.

Via the Inequalities blog (largely self-recommending to this audience I imagine).