Ebola Science Resources

This post was created initially to save me searching around for links while looking for updates.  But hopefully it will help you too.

It will almost certainly grow; please feel free to send me relevant links in any given category – either through the comments, or @harlingg or through email.  Thanks.

1. Scientific work

  • Journal collections of Ebola-related material, either Ebola-specific pages, searches for Ebola or journals with low throughput and high proportion Ebola.
    • Science. Heavier on basic science of the virus
    • The Lancet. Heavier on clinical matters
    • New England Journal of Medicine. Heavier on epidemiology
    • The BMJ.  Very little research to date.
    • JAMA.  This is a search results, rather than a dedicated landing, page.
    • MMWR. Operational research; run by the US CDC.
    • PLoS Currents Outbreaks. Rapid review; becoming a go-to journal for Ebola, despite being very new.
    • Eurosurveillance. Mixture of operations and epidemiology; run by the European CDC.
    • The arXiv. Pre-prints of more technical scientific pieces, some of which have been subsequently published.
    • BMC and Springer journals. Heavier on viriology.

2. Data sources


10 thoughts on “Ebola Science Resources

    • Thanks Catherine. It doesn’t look like JAMA has a single landing page for Ebola, yet. So I’ve added a search instead. And I need to read the Farmer piece, if only I can set aside the time to get into it…

    • Apologies Cédric, now corrected. Thanks for the kind words, and for all your work on mapping and tweeting during the epidemic. Your expertise and insight is much appreciated.

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